Caleo & Co have a strong background in compliance.
In 1993 I was a part of implementing Quality Assurance to Taylor Byrne and in my role as Managing Director ensured that QA was not only maintained, but continually expanded.
In 2003 I introduced a mandatory peer review process to Taylor Byrne which initially covered all non residential valuations.
In 2007 I expanded this to include all valuation types and was directly responsible for reviewing all commercial valuations over $2m and all residential Mortgagee In Possession valuations.
In 2012 I introduced a full time Compliance contractor from the banking Industry, to assist with commercial valuation standards, report format and peer review.
Until my retirement in 2016 I retained a peer review and compliance role in Commercial, Going Concern, Rural and Residential valuations for Taylor Byrne.
I currently undertake Peer Reviews for a number of private valuation firms.